Set over the Halloween weekend, this thrilling and hilarious comedy horror follows an underachieving teacher and his dodgy colleague who end a big night out by unwittingly selling their souls to the Devil for three days' good fortune. They soon find themselves in a race against the clock to break the deal and save their futures. But do the useless pair, aided by an unhinged priest, stand any real chance? As obstacles, and bodies, start piling up, the hour of reckoning grows near....
Samantha Bond, Christine Bottomley and Pooky Quesnel play three of the many women who ran a free cafe on Preston Railway Station for the troops during WW1; and one of them is waiting for bad news, How will they respond when they hear whose son has died on the front line?
See more of this triptych of award-winning films by clicking the link:
A second series of the much-loved wartime drama. The two series picked up numerous awards, including Best Daytime Programme at the Broadcast Awards and Best Drama at the Royal Television Society awards.
To see more clips from this period favourite follow the link:
Ambitious drama set in both 1931 and 2011 following the lives of two generations of the same family living in the same house, and the secrets that still link them. Starring Eva Pope, Jack Deam & Joe Dixon.
To see more of their parallel lives, and learn their grisly secret, click here:
High up on the school, and high on drugs, can anyone get to Harley in time?!
Classic playground action from the nation's most dramatic school! For more Waterloo Road click here:
A slice of the madness that Doctors used to serve up so well. This one features Harriet Thorpe, Helen Lederer and Ben Moor as well as a host of regulars led by Sarah Moyle. It was nominated for most spectacular scene at the 2022 Soap Awards, my second unsuccessful Doctors nomination in that category. To see this scene, and more great moments, follow the link:
Testosterone-fuelled fun between Raf & Harry at a charity auction.
Meanwhile one of the true greats of stage, screen and radio, Roy Hudd, puts in a heartbreaking turn as a man out for his last hurrah
For more Holby City click here:
One of the many famous faces I had the delight to work with on the cobbles - Sir Ian McKellen plays a failed author turned con artist
For more Coronation Street - including Status Quo and Norman Wisdom - click here:
Where it all began...
"One of the best punch ups in EastEnders history"
My very first block of soap. Day one: behind the bar of the Queen Vic with Barbara Windsor. Talk about impostor syndrome!
For more Albert Square action, follow this link:
Where it really all began. Bournemouth Filmschool, 1998.
Neil Edmond stars in this ambitious student graduation film, an anti-corporate satire which proves that laughter really does have a value. But can you put a price on it? Written & directed by Daniel Wilson.
For more like this, click below:
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